Monday 23 January 2012

Walking in a Winter Wonderland (Small Style)

Just as we're about to head south for some sunshine (hello Cuba!!), I thought I'd do a winter small style as a farewell! We got a huge snowfall here in Peterborough a few days ago and on Saturday our little family headed to the park, all bundled up with sled in tow to explore the winter wonderland. There was no one there but us and it was soooo quiet and calm, except for the crunching snow under our feet and Wesley's perodic squeals of delight. You know that cheesy saying about how as a parent you experience everything again through the eyes of your child?? Yep, that's true! Snow had never looked so good! And the hot chocolate with extra marshmellows upon our return was the perfect ending!

See you in a week! Sayonara snow!

Snowsuit: consigned
Boots: Children's Place
Hat, mitts: babyGap

Friday 20 January 2012

A 'Rash' Decision

Wesley has a diaper rash - his first ever in a year of life! It's a nasty-looking yeast rash actually, probably the result of some antibiotics he was on for an ear infection a few weeks ago. I was going to go to the doctor for a prescription-stength antifungal cream, but we've been there way too much lately for immunizations, and the ear infection... so I did some research online to see if there was a more natural way to take care of it myself... which, happily, there is! Yogurt with high levels of probiotics, specifically acidophilus, is very effective for treating yeast rashes in babies. I actually have a friend whose little girl had a diaper rash for months - she was prescriped multiple creams by the doctor - and yogurt was the only thing that actually worked! I went to Jo Anne's Place, our local health food store, and got the yogurt with the most acidophilus I could find. You just apply it and allow it to dry at each diaper change (the drying part is a little tricky with a squrimy toddler though...). It's actually pretty amazing - within 24 hours of using it, the rash is 80% better!

Wesley au naturel
I found some other good tips for treating yeash rashes too:
- let baby go diaper-less as much as possible. Yikes! I think we made it about an hour, during which I cleaned up 3 puddles!
- add some baking soda to bath water
- we use cloth diapers about half the time, so it's really important to wash them in as hot of water as possibe to kill any yeast living in the diaper. It's also a good idea to disinfect with some apple cider vinegar
- include extra probiotics in baby's diet (we do probiotic drops but yogurt would be good too)
- don't use baby powder which contains constarch as the yeast bacteria feeds on the powder and ca make it worse

Monday 16 January 2012

Come Abide

I've been going through the daily devotional book My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers for the past couple of months. I really like it because each devotion is very short and direct and gives me something to "chew" on for the rest of the day. It was written in the early 1900s, but is still so relevant and fresh; and Chambers doesn't mince words - he tells it like it is! I was particularly struck by this morning's reading (you can read it here -  and actually, the whole text is available online!) which talks about abiding in Christ. I love the word abide, especially in the context of abiding with the Lord; it just rings of peace and comfort! It means "to remain stable or fixed in a state" or "to continue in a place". As believers we are called to abide with Christ at all times and in everything ('Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.' John 15:4 NASB) but it can be easy to compartmentalize our lives and withhold certain aspects from the Lord; to choose not to abide in Him in that area. Chambers reiterates that we have to make every area of our lives captive to Christ and abide in Him in money matters, family matters, whatever it may be! He talks about how "amazingly relaxed" Jesus' life must have been because he abided in the Father in everything - which meant he never had to worry; it was all taken care of! I love that! How stress-free life would be if we willingly chose to abide in all things! This was a much-needed reminder to me this morning as I woke up already worried, with a million thoughts in my head. So today I'm making the choice to abide in the Lord over that previously worrisome matter... I'm encouraged by what Chambers said: "In the intital stages it will be a continual effort to abide, but as you continue, it will become so much a part of your life that you will abide in Him without any conscious effort."

Monday 9 January 2012

Trade in your cow for... almonds??

I posted awhile ago about goat's milk (you can read it here) and how I was planning on using this for Wesley instead of cow's milk. That was the plan... BUT, with babies, as in life, things don't always go according to plan. Wesley hated it! Like really, really hated it! I tried everything... he didn't like it warm, cold, in a new cup, old cup, in the morning... he did not like it in a house, he did not like it with a mouse, he did not like it here or there, or anywhere! So I had to abandon the goat's milk because it was like I was torturing the poor guy with every sip. I still plan to try it every few weeks just to see, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

So I spent some time looking for other alternatives to dairy milk, because the more I've read about it, the more convinced I've become that - contrary to very popular belief - we don't need to drink cow's milk! GASP! I won't get into it here, but if you're interested in learning more, google 'The China Study'. (Thanks Nichole!)

Anyway, I wasn't crazy about using soy milk exclusively because there is some research that suggests it may not be great for males in particular to consume too much soy (although he still eats tofu and soy yogurt occasionally). However, something that we've tried that Wesley is really loving is almond milk. We've been using the unsweetened variety, but you can also get it in original flavour, vanilla, as well as chocolate! It took him a few days, but he really enjoys it now. I am only nursing now in the morning and before bedtime, so he'll have some almond milk in his sippy cup with a snack after his naps. It doesn't have the calories and fat that whole milk would have, but we make sure he's getting lots of healthy fats from other sources (this boy could live off avocados!). It's fortified with calcium and other good stuff like B12 so we don't have to worry about that.

I've never been a milk drinker myself - I just don't like it - so I wasn't really looking for an alternative, but almond milk is actually really yummy, especially in smoothies and baking!

Worth a try if you're looking for a dairy alternative!

Thursday 5 January 2012

Oh, the Places You'll Go! (A letter to my son on his 1st birthday)

"B-I-N-G-O," I sing and you clap your hands in delight - your mouth open wide to reveal that toothless smile, making my heart ache with love. You sway in time to the music, in perfect rhythm; already so musical, just like your daddy. And then, just like me, you are on to the next thing, always on the go, moving quickly, eager for the next adventure. You toddle forward, as fast as your little legs will allow, babbling in your own private language. "Hot!" you exclaim to no one in particular. You move forward a few more steps and then turn around abruptly, scurrying back into my arms and burying your face in my shoulder... and my love for you is overwhelming.

You have changed me so much in just one short year. Once so selfish, but now with little desire (or little time!) to think of myself. I know beyond doubt that I would do anything, go anywhere, give anything, for you. This little person who changes and grows in front of my eyes everyday. Your every little victory and discovery is mine too, and I rush to tell your daddy all the new things you did each day.

As I watch your babyhood slip away, as I see your independance emerging, I savour each moment all the more. Your quiet breathing as I read to you before a nap, your little fingers pinching the skin on my arm. I let you fall asleep in my arms, no longer concerned with the "independent sleep" that I used to fret over. It's too fleeting. The hushed 3am feedings seem like so long ago now, and I almost (almost!) wish for those moments again.

'Who will you become?' I wonder aloud, as you snuggle into my neck... You will know the Lord as a close friend, but you will also stand in awe of Him. You will be gentle, but also mighty. You will be intelligent and wise, but also humble. You will live with integrity like your grandpa, and speak your mind like your father. You will take delight in the small things, and be able to laugh at yourself. The determination I see even know (as you head for that outlet for the eighteenth time!) will drive you to become whatever the Lord places in your heart...

... and I will be here every step of the way. To cheer you on. To offer advice, or just to listen. To allow you to make mistakes, and to help pick up the pieces. To pray for you and with you. To brag about your achievements, and to hurt for you over discouragement. I will always think the best of you and give you the benefit of the doubt. And most of all, I will love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly for all of my life.

Happy 1st Birthday my sweet little boy! I love you!

xoxo Mommy

be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
you're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!"
~ Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss

Sunday 1 January 2012

Firmness of Purpose (2012)

res·o·lu·tion /ˌrɛzəˈluʃən/ [rez-uh-loo-shuhn]
1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made.
2. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
3. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.

- to eat consciously; what am I putting into my body and what will it do for me?
- to intentionally encourage my husband everyday
- to be specific when I praise my son (not just "good boy")
- to be 'overheard' speaking words of affirmation and encouragement
- to allow/force myself to take a moment to relax even when the "to-do" list is a mile long
- to stop and remember how truly, incredibly, richly blessed I am when I find myself worrying about something silly
- to start running again
- to enjoy and savour the fleeting days of babyhood, but not to be sad at their disappearance; the look ahead with excitement to the future
- to remind myself what the Lord deserves in my life and not just what I feel I can 'afford' to give him