Sunday 30 December 2012

God-motivated Resolutions

I've been thinking and mulling and praying over some resolutions for this new year which is soon upon us... and then today I came across THIS post by the refreshing (and hilarious!) Jamie Nato and it was a much-needed dose of perspective and insight - which now has me starting from scratch in the resolutions department!

God-motivation vs. good motivation... hmmm... what are the motivations behind my goals/resolutions? And how do I keep them God-centred and not me-centred?

Check out her post for yourself and I think you'll be challenged, like me, as you set some goals for 2013. 

I'll be back with more later...

Thursday 27 December 2012

Christmas Gifts

500. French toast
501. Divine patience in the midst of temper tantrums
502. Waking up to freshly fallen snow
503. Chilly evening walks
504. Parenthood marathons
505. A cozy Christmas Eve
506. A white Christmas
507 Finding the perfect gift
508.Unto us a Son is given
509. Overflowing stockings
510. Family around the table

Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Santa Conundrum

Last year was Wesley's first Christmas, but I sort of see that as a technicality since he really was too young to have any clue what was going on. This year he is already entranced by everything Christmas - the lights and the "pretties", the trees, the music, the snow, and, *gulp*... Santa. Yesterday we were in a store when he pointed to a Santa figurine and said delightedly, "ho ho ho"! Umm... what?! 

His exposure to Santa Claus up to this point has been pretty minimal, or so I thought. We passed by Santa at the mall last week and when he asked who he was, I - preoccupied with trying to navigate the stroller through the Black Friday crowds - said, "That's Santa" distractedly with no explanation. So, when I heard him proclaim "ho ho ho" with such enthusiasm, I was a teeny bit nervous! I mean, it's not even December 1!

I want to be intentional about celebrating Christmas with my kids. I certainly don't want their perception of the holiday to be dictated by mass consumerism and media. It can be hard to wade through the 'truth' of all that, especially for children. I want Christmas, first and foremost, to be about Christ's amazing, glorious birth. About Him coming to the world as a tiny babe for us. I don't want to come across as being "judgey"; that's not my intention at all. I have nothing against people who encourage their kids to believe in Santa, there's lots of fun in it all, but I want to always speak truth into the lives of my children, and, for me, Santa just doesn't fit with that. I think there's a healthy way to approach it - and I'm definitely still mulling over all this - where you can partake in the Santa "fun", but still impart to your kids that he's a character, or fairytale, but not real. How to explain this to a two year old is still boggling my mind a bit at this point, but I'm working on it, and I know where my heart is on the matter. 

Wesley is a bit young for this - though I'm going to do it anyway! - but I came across a great advent plan for The Jesus Storybook Bible (if you don't have this, you need to get it! It's a wonderful Bible for young kids told in 'story' format which points everything in scripture to the birth of Christ. So lovely and with beautiful artwork too!). Basically, there are 21 Old Testament stories which all relate back to Jesus' coming, along with 3 stories about Christ's birth, that you can read leading up to Christmas day. You can find the reading plan here if you're interested. A great way to keep the holiday focused on the truth of what it's really about!

Happy 23 days 'til Christmas!

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Love Changes Diapers...

Right now I'm re-reading a fantastic book called A Mother's Heart by Jean Fleming. If you're a mom, or hoping to become one, I highly recommend it. It's such an honest portrait of the joys and hopes and challenges and frustrations of motherhood... and it provides amazing insight on how to be a godly mother and really seek God's heart for our children and point them to Him.

As I was reading last night, I was really struck by this paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13 as it relates to my role of wife and mother... I thought it might bless someone else today as it did me...

If I keep my house immaculately clean, and am envied by all for my interior decorating, but do not show love in my family—I’m just another housewife.

If I’m always producing lovely things–sewing, art; if I always look attractive, and speak intelligently, but am not loving to my family–I am nothing.

If I’m busy in community affairs, teach Sunday school, and drive in the carpool, but fail to give adequate love to my family–I gain nothing.

Love changes diapers, cleans up messes, and ties shoes–over and over and over again.

Love is kind, though tired and frazzled.

Love doesn’t envy another wife–one whose children are ‘spaced’ better or in school so she has time to pursue her own interests.

Love doesn’t try to impress others with my abilities or knowledge as a mother.

Love doesn’t scream at the kids and apologizes when I do.

Love doesn’t feel cheated because I didn’t get to do what I wanted to do today–sew, read, soak in a hot tub.

Love doesn’t lose my temper easily.

Love doesn’t assume that my children are being naughty just because their noise level is irritating.

Love doesn’t rejoice when other people’s children misbehave and make mine look good.  Love is genuinely happy when others are honored by their children.

Sunday 18 November 2012


400. Baby GIRL!
401. Best buddies Ethan and Wesley
403. Wesley 'big boy' room
404. Banana bread
406. Christmas music
407. New hats and mittens
408. Telling the truth in love
409. Wesley's first time watching "Frosty the Snowman"
410. Little pink clothes

Thursday 15 November 2012

Cold Tea (Savouring the Moment)

Today was one of those days where at 11am I was still sipping the (cold) tea I poured at 8am. 

We're going away for the weekend, and as anyone with kids knows, this requires a lot of planning and packing. I'm a list-maker, and my list for these two nights away is already way too long... not to mention the laundry that needs to be done, and the food to pick up... and a toddler who wants me to get none of this done. He wants to play hide-and-seek, and read Have You Seen My Cat?, and now he wants a snack, and needs his clothes changed because he spilled his snack on the clothes...

But this is a sweet season and I'm trying to savour it all... it won't be much longer until the days of just he and I are over. We look forward with joy and anticipation to this precious little girl who will join our family, but I want to enjoy and be fully present for the days I have left as a mom to one. I am loving this age he is at - 22 months - so much. His vocabulary grows by the day, and he is so proud and delighted with himself over each new word or skill he masters. Yesterday he put his boots on by himself and almost split his face smiling! God is good.

And so I set my tea down, and I read the book again - with enthusiasm - taking the moment in. My sweet little boy snuggled up on my lap. The laundry can wait, and so can the lists, and the tea...

And even though it's much more work, and makes a huge mess, I let him "help" me make muffins for the car ride... it's worth it... even the $7 of pure vanilla extract he spilled on the floor!

Sunday 11 November 2012

Sugar & Spice...

On Friday we had our 20 week ultrasound and found out that we are expecting a baby GIRL! We are both so very thrilled! I kinda, sorta, maybe had a hunch it might be a girl, but my husband's family is FULL of boys so I kept doubting and thinking, "Nah, it'll be a boy". 

Our gorgeous little girl! ... sucking her thumb...
Now comes the fun of picking out a name, girl-ifying the nursery, and... oh yes... shopping!

First purchase... made a mere hour after the ultrasound!!
I've had a few moments of panic since Friday when I've thought... will I know what to do with a girl???... for some reason, girls just seem harder than boys to me! Maybe that's just because I know what emotional creatures we can be sometimes... well, if she's anything like her mom anyway! But thankfully His grace is sufficient and I really am so happy to be giving my son a little sister and my husband a little girl to spoil and 'overprotect'.

Friday 2 November 2012

Quack, Quack (Halloween)

Our little monkey was a duck for Halloween this year, and after protesting "no mama, no mama" as we attempted to get him into his costume, he decided that he loooved being a duck and did not want to take that thing off all night!

We just stopped by 4 or 5 neighbours' to show off our little ducky, so we weren't out for long, but Wesley loved knocking on the door and then standing there with a big grin on his face. I was a little worried about the candy "situation"... that he would want to eat everything in his little pumpkin pail (I had even made these in hopes of being able to do a trade-off... healthy fruit snacks for a Kit Kat... a fair trade in my books!) but he really had no interest in it, short of dumping it out of the pumpkin a few times and then putting it all back in. Phew! We might not be so lucky next year!
Due to a shortage of trick-or-treaters in our neighbourhood this year, we now have waaay too much leftover candy and I'm slightly ashamed at the growing pile of wrappers in the trash can! Pregnancy + halloween candy = lethal!

p.s. It's snowing!!

Wednesday 24 October 2012


Too often I can let words penetrate. Words that are harsh, or critical, not life-giving or edifying. Words that I know are not true, but slowly I let eat away at me until I start to believe they are true. Lies.

I left a conversation the other day, determined to keep my armour intact, to not let any cracks from through which the words could seep. But seep and creep and worm their way in they did...

So, you JUST stay at home??
How can you feel fulfilled?
What do you do all day?
Don't you miss the challenge?

Questions leading to questions, leading to doubt...

What DO I do all day?
Am I fulfilled?

But then I am reminded...

when we've read Big Red Barn for the 20th time this week and mooed and meowed and cock-a-doodle-doed ourselves silly... when Wesley proclaims "AMEN!" before digging into his lunch... when "M" triumpantly stands for "MAMA!" and "W" for "WES-LEEEE!"... when we tuck Mr. Monkey into bed and tip-toe and shush so not to wake him... when his eyes light up at the prospect of "helping" mom makes cookies... when the baby in my belly gets peppered with kisses all day... when I see his future laid out before me, already imagined and realized... when the weight of it all, my responsibility to train up this child, is all so real...

... when my day us full of all this and more and I fall into bed exhausted with time only to say "Thank you Lord" before sleeps comes...

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ." Colossians 3:23, 24

Lunch Woes & Quinoa Pizza Bites

Lunch is probably my least favourite meal of the day... although right now, at 18 weeks pregnant, most meals are very warmly welcomed! :)

I don't always enjoy lunch because it's a hairy time around our house with Wesley on the verge of a 'I-need-a-nap-right-now' meltdown... so I want something simple and easy that doesn't take any time to prepare. Leftovers are great for this so I usually make extra for dinner for this purpose... but that can get old. We really try to stay away from processed, convenience foods, but this can be tricky with a whiny toddler clawing at your legs! Soup and grilled cheese, scrambled eggs and toast... my lunch repertoire is in serious need of an upgrade, so I'm on the hunt for ideas!

I recently tried this recipe for Quinoa Pizza Bites and they were a big hit with both Wesley and I! Very yummy and healthy and quick to pull together if you do some of the leg work (like making the quinoa) ahead of time. The recipe makes a lot, so I just popped them in the oven for a few minutes the next day (I think they would get mushy in the microwave) and we were good to go.

Quinoa Pizza Bites

2 cups cooked quinoa
2 eggs
1 chopped onion
1 cup shredded mozarella cheese
2 tsp minced garlic
1/2 cup fresh basil, chopped
1 cup chopped, cooked turkey bacon or turkey pepperoni
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp dried oregano
pizza sauce, for dipping

*You could also sub chopped cherry tomatoes for the bacon to make them meatless.

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix together all ingredients, except pizza sauce, in a medium mixing bowl.
3. Distribute mixture into a greased mini muffin tin, filling each cup to the top (1 heaping Tbs each), and press down gently to compact.
4. Bake for 15-20 minutes.
5. Serve with warm pizza sauce on the side.

Wednesday 17 October 2012


I'm reading the book Grace for the Good Girl by Emily P. Freeman which is about letting go of the "try-hard life" (as she calls it) - or the quest to always be "good" and perfect - that woman often fall into the trap of. As a recovering perfectionist - and someone who, although she can admit is not perfect, still often struggles with wanting to project that image - I can really, really relate to this book. 

In the spirit of being vulnerable and finding strength in weakness, here are some true confessions to illustrate just how un-perfect I am... granted, these fall on the silly end of the spectrum and maybe some day soon I'll work up the courage to lay down some of the really nitty-gritty stuff...

1. Until about a month ago I didn't know you couldn't put aluminium foal in the microwave
2. I have this beautiful top that I've only worn once because it needs to be ironed and I just don't do that!
3. I know kids aren't supposed to watch TV until at least the age of 2, but my son often watches The Wiggles at 4:00 pm so I can start dinner (or "close my eyes for a few minutes")
4. We don't eat 100% organic
5. I love The Bachelor/Bachelorette

6. I frequent celebrity gossip websites
7. I can often be heard saying "it's yucky" when my son wonders what the unhealthy treat is that mommy is munching on
8. I never tighten the lids on jars... this drives my husband crazy!
9. I will put the empty milk jug back in the fridge so someone else (see above) will have to change the bag
10. Clean, folded laundry often sits in the basket for days... weeks... 

Tuesday 16 October 2012

The gifts keep on coming...

I shamefully have not been keeping up with Multitudes on Mondays... but I 've still been recording my One Thousand Gifts in my handy-dandy notebook...

Here are a few... (skipping forward a bit)...

350. Wesley's response to any question... "yep!"
351. Cuddling with friends' babies
352. Feeling little baby "flutters" 
353. Long overdue phone chats
354. Fuzzy socks
355. Maternity pants
356. Turning the fireplace on for the first time this year
357. Freshly laundered sheets
358. Massages
359. Homemade hummus and pita chips
360. The pumpkin patch
361. Sleepy cuddles after naptime
362. A night out with myself
363. Shopping trip with a wonderful  friend
364. Baby's heartbeat

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Adelle's 31 for 21 Challenge

This is my incredible friend Adelle. She is one of my favourite people in the world and also happens to be one of the strongest, kindest and funniest people I know. Adelle always approaches life with a positive attitude -which is something that I have always found so inspiring. I learn a lot from her. 

Adelle has a gorgeous daughter named Ariel who is 16 months old. She is also pregnant with her second daughter, due in Novemeber. She and her husband found out at their 20 week ultrasound that their unborn baby girl has Down Syndrome, or Trisomy 21. Adelle has handled this unexpected and often overwhelming news in typical, inspiring Adelle-style. Since then they have learned some other scary things about their baby's health, but she had remained endlessly positive and upbeat through everything. 

October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and in honour of her baby girl, and, to raise awareness for fairness and inclusion, Adelle is participating in the 31 for 21 Challenge where she will be blogging for all 31 days of this month. I would love it if you would check out her blog here. I think that, like me, you will be amazed and inspired by wonderful friend. 

Wednesday 26 September 2012

A few of my favourite things (right now)...

1. Downton Abbey

Brian and I got hooked on this show in January while in Cuba. We would huddle around our laptop on the balcony at night while Wesley was sleeping, watching one episode after the next and staying up waaay too late! The characters and their story lines are so absorbing, and it's so fascinating to watch the portrayal of two completely different but intersecting lifestyles (the elite and the working class who serve them). Not to mention the gorgeous scenery and period costumes! Season 3 just started airing in the UK, and we are very legally downloading and devouring the new episodes! 

2. Pumpkin

One of my favourite things about fall! I'm loving my pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, pumpkin smoothies, pumpkin cranberry loaf, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin in my oatmeal... I"ll put it in just about anything! And they're not just for eating either! They looks so gorgeous on my front steps and on my mantel. Wesley has a tiny little pumpkin that we carved up the other day with one of those battery-operated tea lights inside. He's so enthralled with his "jack"!

3. Maternity pants

It was seriously such a revelation when I said to myself the other day, "why can't I wear maternity pants at 14 weeks pregnant?" I dug out the box of maternity clothes and have been living a much more comfortable and button-free existence ever since!

4. Dave Matthews Band - Away From the World

I've been a DMB fan for a long time and eagerly await each new album. Their new one is a goodie. A more mellow and subtle album then things they've done recently. Very chill. Perfect background music for fall baking or a Sunday drive. 

The recipe for these heavenly, buttery puffs of deliciousness from a "popular seafood restaurant chain" is really simple and nearly as good as the restaurant ones! Definitely not an everyday indulgence, but I made these the other night to go with chili and the two biscuits I allowed myself were worth every calorie-rich bite!

6. Pinterest

I may have a slight obsession here. What an easy way to spend an hour... or two... An inspiring and dangerous tool for a crafter, diy-er, teacher, aspiring designer, wanna-be chef and mom!

7. 'Sleeping in'
That's in quotations because before I had kids I would have laughed at the idea that 7:30 am was sleeping in! But Wesley has recently decided to start treating us to an extra hour - instead of his usual 6:30 am wake-up call - and it's been sooo lovely. Just what this pregnant momma is needing to make it through the day!

8. Flavia de Luce series (or The Buckshaw Chronicles)

This is a mystery series whose protagonist is a precocious 11 year old detective living in 1950s England. So a unique and well-written; not only keeps you engaged in the unravelling mystery but also keeps you laughing at Flavia's hi-jinks. 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

I have a little person the size of a peach growing inside me!

Now that I'm feeling back to "normal" again - goodbye nausea and extreme exhaustion! - I find myself forgetting at times about this crazy, incredible thing my body is doing... growing a human being! The only real evidence of this right now is my pants feeling suspiciously snug and the appearance of eating one too many cupcakes!.. which maybe I have, since I've been craving sugar like crazy this pregnancy. With Wesley I got off easy and craved grapefruit and eggs, and while I'm TRYING to maintain my typically healthy diet, sometimes I just can't say no to my body's demand for Swedish Berries and Nibs!

It's definitely true that the second pregnancy is more laid-back (as I'm sure life with the second baby will be!) because you just don't have the brain-space to devote to thinking about it all day! So it's often not till I'm snuggled up under the duvet at night in the dark and quiet that it really hits me... the full revelation of this miracle. This tiny person, fearfully and wonderfully made... whose face and name the Lord knew before time began. I wonder and dream and pray about who they will be, and I speak words of health and faith over their precious life.

Not long after Wesley was born, a lovely, wise woman in our church wrote me a note of encouragement in which she said that I was the exactly right mother for him. That the Lord chose ME to be this child's mom... not because I was going to be a perfect mom, but the perfect mom for Wesley. I've always reminded myself of those words in moments of frustration or uncertainty. What a gift to be the 'perfect' mom for this little peanut as well!

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.
~ Psalm 139: 13-16

Friday 7 September 2012

What we've been up to...

In the throes of the my pregnancy-induced exhaustion I've been finding it pretty hard to keep up with and entertain my wonderfully energetic toddler. The thing about second pregnancies though is that you don't really have a choice about getting up in the morning or doing something during your day - there's a little person depending on you, and you owe it to them to be present. Thank the Lord for naptime!!

Anyway, I've been making an effort to try and do something fun and different with Wesley every couple of days. He's getting to an age where he's able to focus on something for longer than 30 seconds now, and it's really so fun to see him get excited about things and watch him interact with the world around him.

I'm so in love with Pinterest for all the fabulous ideas for toddler activities (and more!) that you can find.

In case you're looking for some ideas as well, here are some of the activities/games/crafts we've tried or are planning to try... (click on the link for explanation)

Filling the kitchen sink up with water and bubbles and "washing" the dishes

Bowling with paper towel tubes (or other household items) and ball

Magnets on cookie sheets

Digging for treasure in shredded paper

Paint in large ziploc bags taped to the table (no mess!)

Paper plate ring toss (cut the middle out of paper plates and toss onto paper towel tube)

Go nuts with stickers!

Coming Soon...

I've been a fairly absent blogger lately, although I think you might agree that my "excuse" is a good one...

Here's our little nugget at 9 weeks... just the size of an olive!
We're expecting our second baby at the end of March!! We're thrilled to pieces over this new addition to our family and can't wait to meet him/her! Wesley has no real clue what's going on, although he will point to my belly if Daddy asks him where Mommy's new baby is! Poor little guy has no idea his world is soon to change...

We didn't find out the sex the first time, but we're planning to this round... mostly because if it's a girl I'm going to want to do lots of shopping! My mother's intuition is telling me girl and I was right with Wesley, so we'll see...

So how does this relate to my lack of blogging? Well, I've just been too darn exhausted to do anything but sit on the couch or sleep anytime I get a free minute! There's nothing like pregnancy fatigue... I've felt like a sleep-walking zombie somedays, barely able to put one foot in front of the other - let alone keep up with a very active 20 month-old! Thankfully, I seem to be coming out of that first trimester haze (I'm 12 weeks now) and hopefully should be feeling back to my old, energetic self soon!


Monday 27 August 2012

Summer's Last Gifts...

210. Fresh tomatoes from the garden
211. Wrestling on the living room rug
212. Delicious Indian food enjoyed with friends
213. Living in the same city as Nana and Grandpa
214. Family reunions
215. Back rubs
216. Dinner that I didn't make
217. Leaves beginning to turn
218. A quiet car ride home
219. Picnics in the park
220. Free ferry rides
221. The antique cars on Centre Island

Monday 13 August 2012

Two Hundred Gifts and Counting...

197. Wesley's stripped tie
198. Playdates at the zoo with good friends
199. Wesley's monkey sound
200. Family photos
201. A fresh coat of paint
202. Sweet cherries
203. Fun with bathtub paint (minus the clean up!)
204. Pizza!
205. Kisses through the crib slats
206. Warm, gooey cinnamon buns
207. Reading 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear...' for the 10 millionth time
208. Life-giving words
209. Organization

Wednesday 1 August 2012

My Favourite (Indulgence) Muffins

I've posted before about my love affair with muffins. They're pretty much my favourite snack, and thankfully, my son has become a little muffin-lover too! If anyone even mentions the "m" word he automatically says "mmmm..."! One of the many reasons muffins are so fantastic is because you can load them up with all kinds of healthy stuff (whole grains, fruits and veggies, healthy fats...). We really try to live by the old saying "you are what you eat", so the muffins I usually make are both delicious and nutritious... however, SOMETIMES I like to indulge in an ooey-gooey chocolately muffin courtesy of these amazing Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins. There aren't many things better than these muffins and a hot cup of tea during naptime.

In italics I have also included the recipe variations I use if I want to make these a bit more nutritious.

Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour (1 1/2 cups whole grain flour - I use spelt)
1 cup quick rolled oats
1/2 cup white sugar (1/2 cup sucanat)
1/4 cup brown sugar (omit, I find them plenty sweet with the 1/2 cup of sucanat)
 2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
2 tbsp milk (almond milk) 
1/2 cup butter, melted (1/2 cup applesauce or coconut oil)
1 tsp vanilla
2 large ripended bananas, mashed
1 cup chocolate chips (3/4 cup dark chocolate chips)

1. Preheat oven to 375. Line muffins tin with paper liners.
 2. Combine flour, oats, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
3. In a large bowl, beat the eggs and sugars lightly. Add the milk, butter, vanilla and the mashed banana. Combine thoroughly but don't over-mix.
 4. Stir in dry ingredients until blended. Stir in chocolate chips until just combined.
5. Spoon into prepared muffin tin, divding batter equally. Sprinkle some oats over the muffins for garnish.
6. Bake for 25-30 min or until just golden.


Saturday 28 July 2012


I've been a bad blogger lately, but we've been on vacation around here... and all this rest and relaxation hasn't left me much time for blogging!

The last couple weeks have been full of family and friends... mornings building sand castles and splashing in the waves... afternoon naps in the sunshine... picnic dinners by the river... bonfires under the stars. It some ways it has felt like taking one big, deep, delicious breath.

The Lord has a very high opinion of rest. It's a hugely important Biblical principle. For me personally, rest isn't something that always comes naturally or easy. It's hard not to think about all the things I could be/should be doing. I used to spend Wesley's entire nap time running around trying to get things done. I've really had to work at forcing myself to sit down for half an hour and take a breather. But it's made an amazing difference in how I feel for the remainder of the day. I'm so much happier to see him when he wakes up, and am a much more patient and rested mommy for it. 

So after a nice long vacation and rest, I'm ready to get back into the swing of things... but with a growing appreciation for the wonders of God-created rest... and it's ability to restore mind, body and soul. 

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Monday 16 July 2012

Cottage Life

We just got back from a beautiful week at the cottage with my family. My brother and sister-in-law are here from the UK for a month and it was sooo wonderful to have all of us together. It was close quarters in our little home-away-from-home, but I wouldn't have had it any other way!

I'm constantly mindful of how blessed I am to have this family that I do. We genuinely love spending time together and are the closest of friends.

Here are a few of the gifts I enjoyed this past week...

183. Canoeing with my dad
184. Napping in the hammock
185. Games' night and the Clark competitive streak
186. Heart's desires fulfilled
187. Reeling in a big catch
188. Chatting with my sister-in-law over tea
189. Kissing owies all better
190. Warm pita chips
191. Diving into a crystal clear lake
192. Sunscreen
193. Keeping a beautiful secret
194. Wesley and 'tickle bear'
195. A foot soak
196. Wesley and Nana snuggling in the hammock

Tuesday 3 July 2012

"I Can't Believe It's Not Ice Cream!"

You know how convicts on Death Row get to choose their last meal?... Mine would be ice cream. Yep, just ice cream. Bring me a bunch of flavours and a spoon and I'm good.

That slightly morbid and twisted example is just to illustrate the point that I LOVE ice cream! Too bad for me that it falls under the "very fattening" category of foods. I try to save my ice cream indulgences for special occasions, but that becomes tougher in the summer months with family gatherings and parties and picnics and when it's just so hot that you NEED some ice cream!

I've been seeing lots of recipes lately for 'ice cream' made from bananas. I was pretty sceptical. Can a healthy ice cream really exist?? But I figured I'd give it a try since, well... I love ice cream, and also because I don't want Wesley to be deprived of the joy of eating this cool, delicious treat on a hot day - and I'm not about to feed him the sugar-laden stuff that I enjoy so much.

So far I've tried two recipes and, I gotta say, I was pleasantly surprised! This banana-masquerading-as-ice cream-stuff is pretty tasty and it really does have that creamy, ice cream consistency. Not to mention it's sooo easy to make!

Here are the recipes I've tried so far:

3 Ingredient 'Ice Cream'
from The Kitchn

4 frozen bananas, just slightly overripe (it works best if you slice the banana and then freeze, or else you'll have a super hard time trying to blend it!)
2 tbsp creamy natural peanut butter
2 tbsp cocoa powder

Put frozen banana slices in food processor and pulse. First they will start to resemble gravel but keep blending and they will soon turn into a frozen mush. You can add a dash of milk if you like. Start scrapping down the sides of the processor and keep going until the bananas take on a creamy texture. Then add in your peanut butter and cocoa powder (or any other ingredients you desire) and blend until smooth. The ice cream is like soft serve straight out of the food processor, but you can freeze it for a firmer texture. When you take it out of the freezer, give it a minute or two to soften up before scooping.

Blueberry Ginger Ice Cream 
from Choosing Raw
(Serves 2)

2 frozen bananas 
1 heaping cup frozen blueberries 
1/2 inch piece fresh ginger (or 1/2 tsp ginger powder if you’re using a food processor) 
1/4 cup cashews 
2 tsp lemon juice 
2-4 tbsp almond milk 

If you’re using a blender: Blend all ingredients together in a high speed blender. Start with 2 tbsp of almond milk and blend to try to get the mixture going without adding too much liquid: you want an ice cream, not a smoothie! If you need the extra two tablespoons, use them, but be patient and keep blending till a thick consistency is achieved. 

If you’re using a food processor: Soak cashews for at least 4 hours before prep. Place bananas in a food processor and let the motor run till they’ve turned into soft serve. Be patient. It takes a minute or two, and the processor sounds like it’s going to break. It won’t. Keep going. When you have soft serve, add the blueberries, powdered ginger, cashes, and lemon, and blend till totally smooth. Add the almond milk only if you need a thinner consistency; you may not. You can store the mixture in your freezer and give it a whirl in the processor or the blender before serving; if you don’t, it’ll be a little "frosty". 

Monday 2 July 2012

Gifts Galore!

163. 'The true north strong and free'
164. Long weekends
165. Ice cream
166. Homemade iced tea
167. Backyard BBQs
168. Puppies and toddlers
169. Wild raspberries
170. Foot rubs
171. A hug for a sleep-deprived new mom
172. An encouraging word right when you need it most
173. A sudden sun shower
174. Impromptu date nights
175. Amazing babysitters
176. Fireworks (literal and figurative) with my sweetheart
177. Flowers for no reason
178. Little green tomato buds in the garden
179. Chatting over the fench with neighbours
180. Staying up way too late
181. Post-naptime cuddles
182. Bags bursting with fresh produce from the Farmer's Market

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Amazing 'Superhero' Foods

My younger sister, who has a (very adorable) penchant for mixing up phrases, once commented to me that she was eating one of the "superhero foods" (quinoa) for lunch. It's actually a fitting description because superfoods are basically like the Batmans and Spidermans of the food world. They're full of awesome nutrition - vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which can minimize the cell damage which leads to things like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's to name a few. They're basically like God-created vitamin and mineral supplements!

Quinoa is just one of the "superhero" foods. Some others include: pumpkin seeds, goji berries, cinnamon, blueberries, dark leafy greens, sweet potatoes, hemp seeds, acai, salmon, flax, black beans...

Two superfoods which are new to our family in the last few months are chia seeds and nutritional yeast.

Nutritional yeast (or sometimes called brewer's yeast) is an awesome source of protein and B vitamins and includes all the essential amino acids. You can get it in powder form, flakes and tablets. When we first tried nutritional yeast we got it in powedered form and found the flavour too potent (it sort of has a strange cheesy taste). We've since bought the flakes which dissolve more easily and just seem to taste better overall. I add it to pasta sauces, soups or curries and many people love it sprinkled on popcorn for a cheesy flavour. I'm still learning to like the taste, but Wesley never seems to notice it.

Chia seeds are an easily disgestible source of protein, essential fatty acids and fiber. Unlike flax seeds, they don't have to be ground to provide their full nutritional benefit. You can sprinkle the whole seeds on your cereal or oatmeal, add them to smoothies or yogurt and use ground seeds in baked goods. You can also make lots of yummy chia puddings.

Here are two of our favourites:

Mango Coconut Chia Pudding
(from Skinny Taste)

1/2 cup lite coconut milk
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
3/4 cup fresh ripe champagne mango, diced
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut
4-6 drops sweetener (sugar, honey to taste etc)

Combine all ingredients in a large container. Mix well, cover and refrigerate for 5-6 hours or overnight.

Chocolate Chia Pudding
(from Oh She Glows)

1 & 1/4 cup to 1 & 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp carob flour/powder 
1 tbsp pure maple syrup
Shaved chocolate for garnish (optional)

In a large bowl, whisk together all of the ingredients (starting with 1 & 1/4 cup almond milk) until the clumps are gone. Place in fridge for 1-2 hours, until thick or overnight. Stir well, add more milk if desired to achieve the thickness you desire, and serve chilled. Alternatively you can heat in the microwave and serve it warm. It’s nice with a spoonful of coconut cream mixed in or a mashed banana too.

Monday 25 June 2012

I {Still} Do

My husband and I celebrated 5 years of marriage last week. Some days it feels like I can barely remember my life before I said "I do" (although as my grandmother so graciously reminds me - we have nothing or her 60 years of wedded bliss!)... and other days it seems like just yesterday I was rushing to change into my Blockbuster uniform, so excited to get to work so I could see HIM.

"You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen

There is no relationship like that of being married. It's such a beautiful, God-breathed design... part of His perfect plan for our lives. I am a person independent of my husband, but that person is fully complete in this man who I share my life with.

Here are some of the words I spoke on that lovely, love-filled day five years ago... I still mean every one of them, and am doing my best to walk them out everyday...

... I promise to be yours for as long as we both shall live. I make this promise to you this without reservation and with all the confidence and joy in the world because I know that YOU are the one God chose for me. You are an answer to prayer – you are all the things that I looked for and even the things I didn’t know I needed. In you I have found not only a partner but also my very best friend, my favourite person in the whole world and my closest confidante. I promise to always be these same things for you; to love you in all the circumstances of our lives – not just when it’s easy. I promise to always encourage and strengthen you and to help you become all that God has intended. I will always laugh at your jokes, and laugh with you and never stop having fun with you. I promise that I will be quick to forgive and quick to ask for forgiveness. I will strive to challenge you but I will also be willing to learn from you and to accept that I am not always right… although I may be… a lot of the time! I promise to not take you for granted, but to always remember how truly blessed I am and all of the things that have brought us to where we are today. I will thank God for you everyday and I will look to Him as the centre of our marriage and as the foundation upon which we stand. I will support you, respect you, honour you and most of all - love you, no matter what may come our way.


162 Glorious Gifts

148. Falling asleep to gentle rain
149. The splash pad on a scorching summer afternoon
150. Sweet potato fries
151. Hands stained red after strawberry picking
152. Wesley's devious grin as he pops yet another berry into his mouth
153. Fresh strawberries and whipped cream
154. After dinner family dance parties
155. A weeded garden
156. Art on the refrigerator
157. A weekend of glorious weather
158. A romantic weekend away, just the two of us
159. 5 years of wedded bliss
160. Kisses from mommy that miraculously make it all better
161. New insight
162. Gleaning wisdom from a well-lived friend

Thursday 14 June 2012

I Believe...

I've been reading about Abraham lately and, as I usually do when I hear about this impressive guy, I am struck by what a pillar of faith he was. He left his country and people and set out for a far off land (Canaan) because God had given it to him. Even in his old, childless age, he held on to the promise that he would be the father of many nations. And then when he finally did have a son, he was willing to sacrifice him on an altar because the Lord commanded it. Wow.

As I've been reading, I was particularly captured by one simple verse in particular.God leads Abram outside at night and tells him to look up and count the stars if he can... because that is how many descendants he will have. Genesis 15:6 says, "And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith." I love that without question, without doubt, Abram immediately believes God's word to him to be true, no matter how improbable it may seem.

Sometimes I think I can be guilty of believing something spiritually but questioning it intellectually. To put myself in Abraham's shoes, it would be pretty crazy to think about having children at the age of 100+... with your wife getting up there in years as well. It would be easy to intellectualize and question whether all that plumbing was still operating properly... but Abraham believed the Lord's words because they were just that - the word of the Lord. Absolute, 100%, irrefutable truth.

I want to have that same faith and assurance and to never question or intellectualize what the Lord has promised me. 

So, here are some truths that I BELIEVE...

"... overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." (Romans 8:37)

"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)

"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)

"But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm." (Proverbs 1:33)

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

"I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life." (John 6:47)

"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." (Isaiah 46:4)

Monday 11 June 2012

Babies & Bears & Blessings

137. Naked babies running through the sprinkler
138. A good cry
139. Putting your feet up after a long day
140. Backyard BBQs with friends
141. My hubby's french toast
142. Wesley learning to share
143. Renovation plans
144. 10 millionth reading of "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"
145. Isaiah 40:29
146. Going to bed early
147. Hope for the future

Monday 4 June 2012

Blessings Big & Small

122. Silence on the baby monitor
123. Rainy days spent inside with family
124. Wesley "swimming"
125. The rainbow of produce at the Farmer's Market
126. Giving and receiving life at Life Group
127. Counting down till our anniversary weekend away!
128. 4:45 pm - when Daddy walks in the door
129. Choosing new paint colours 
130. Not feeling guilty about a little bit of TV time
131. Kitchen floors scrubbed clean
132. Fresh home-grown cilantro
133. Bright pink toenails
134. Running in the rain with my sister
135. Wesley brushing his teeth
136. Blooming peonies in the garden

Saturday 2 June 2012

What Are You Running Towards?

I recently read an article, written by a fellow runner and mom, which talked about her compulsion to run and all the things she is running from on her morning jog. Stress, tantruming toddlers, piles of laundry... the stresses of life. And although I know this article was written with the best intentions, it was a little backwards of how I choose to think. Rather than running away, I prefer to think of my evening runs as running towards, or in pursuit of, something.

So after I read bedtime stories and sing lullabies and tuck my son in, I lace up my sneakers and run towards...

- a better night's sleep
- increased energy
- self-confidence
- feeling good in my own skin
- more patience to deal with a toddler desperate to communicate
- relaxation
- a good sweat
- processing the events of the day
- deep, cleansing breaths
- endurance
- greeting my neighbours
- a stronger heart
- flushing out toxins
- reduced stress
- strong, toned muscles
- enjoying the evening breezes
- time spent with the Lord
- clear skin
- "runner's high"
- burning off the cookie I ate this afternoon
- a longer life
- getting rid of the last 5 pounds
- "me time"
- a clear mind
- increased concentrati

... to name a few!

Today I ran with my sister in her first-ever 5k race! It was pouring rain and our hands were completely numb by the end... but it was an awesome feeling to cross the finish line with her!