Tuesday 21 May 2013


I've been on a long blogging hiatus as I've been getting to know THIS sweet little lady the last eight weeks...

Our Clara Beara

Isn't she precious?? I think I must kiss those pudgy cheeks a gazillion times a day! I'm so enjoying all the different stages of babyhood... first it was that milky newborn smell and sleepy cuddles on my chest, and now those first gurgles and coos and smiles. Currently anyone who gives her even a little attention and interaction gets rewarded with the biggest of grins and trust me - your heart just melts! I can't help but but marvel at her, and then marvel at her Creator who dreamed up this little person, right down to the tiny, heart-shaped birthmark on her thigh. She is already her own distinct person, so different from her big brother who seemed to never stop moving, even from birth. She is calm and quiet (unless she is hungry and mommy delays, then - look out!), content to take in the world from her perch in my arms or her bouncy seat, watching all our comings and goings and storing it all away. We love her to bits and can't remember life without her!
I can't say that I'll be back to blogging regularly anytime soon as life is a tad busy and I'm still getting the hang of this 'mother of two' thing... but I will try to check in when I can!