Saturday 2 February 2013

7 Weeks and 2 Days

The countdown is on! Only 7 weeks and 2 days (or so my What to Expect app tells me!) until that magical and mysterious thing called the "due date" is upon us! 

32 weeks!
When you first find out you're pregnant, 9 months seems like SUCH a long time... the reality of an actual baby - a human being entering the world - seems so... distant. And then suddenly you creep up over that 30 week mark and it all starts to feel very REAL. Exciting real, scary real... very, very real. I've been feeling that nesting instinct kicking in the last couple of weeks. That overwhelming desire to get everything in order. Dig out all the baby stuff, organize the nursery, make shopping and to-do lists...

It does not help that my house is currently in a state of chaos because we are in the middle of a major bathroom renovation. Right now we have do have a crib in the nursery... but we also have a toilet. Brian is on a baby-imposed deadline though and assures me that all the clutter will be gone and I can purge and organize and clean to my heart's content starting next weekend. 

One major thing that we were able to check off the 'before-baby-comes' list was moving Wesley out of his crib and into a "big boy bed". I had been dreading this for months because my son is a particularly active and inquisitive little guy and I figured the new-found freedom would be just too much for him. I had visions of weeks of bedtime battles... but thankfully he also loves to sleep and, so far, that seems to be winning out. We had one night where the door must have opened at least 10x and a little head would peek out, but overall, the transition has been fairly smooth. 

Last sleep in the crib...
... and first night in the new bed!

Even with all the nervous anticipation and anxieties that can come with baby's impending arrival (labour! pain! no sleep! life with two!)... I mostly can't wait to meet this little lady who has been performing aerobics in my belly non-stop. I can't wait for newborn cuddles and coos and to dress her all in pink and to introduce her to her big brother and to re-live all the 'firsts' and to watch her develop into a little person... it's all such a gift and I feel so blessed to be able to do it again!