Tuesday 21 May 2013


I've been on a long blogging hiatus as I've been getting to know THIS sweet little lady the last eight weeks...

Our Clara Beara

Isn't she precious?? I think I must kiss those pudgy cheeks a gazillion times a day! I'm so enjoying all the different stages of babyhood... first it was that milky newborn smell and sleepy cuddles on my chest, and now those first gurgles and coos and smiles. Currently anyone who gives her even a little attention and interaction gets rewarded with the biggest of grins and trust me - your heart just melts! I can't help but but marvel at her, and then marvel at her Creator who dreamed up this little person, right down to the tiny, heart-shaped birthmark on her thigh. She is already her own distinct person, so different from her big brother who seemed to never stop moving, even from birth. She is calm and quiet (unless she is hungry and mommy delays, then - look out!), content to take in the world from her perch in my arms or her bouncy seat, watching all our comings and goings and storing it all away. We love her to bits and can't remember life without her!
I can't say that I'll be back to blogging regularly anytime soon as life is a tad busy and I'm still getting the hang of this 'mother of two' thing... but I will try to check in when I can!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Welcome to the world...

Clara Brynn Taylor... "bright light on a hill"
Born March 23 at 10:35 am, 7 lbs 10 oz, 21 inches long
... our perfect little bundle of joy and love!

9 days old

Saturday 2 February 2013

7 Weeks and 2 Days

The countdown is on! Only 7 weeks and 2 days (or so my What to Expect app tells me!) until that magical and mysterious thing called the "due date" is upon us! 

32 weeks!
When you first find out you're pregnant, 9 months seems like SUCH a long time... the reality of an actual baby - a human being entering the world - seems so... distant. And then suddenly you creep up over that 30 week mark and it all starts to feel very REAL. Exciting real, scary real... very, very real. I've been feeling that nesting instinct kicking in the last couple of weeks. That overwhelming desire to get everything in order. Dig out all the baby stuff, organize the nursery, make shopping and to-do lists...

It does not help that my house is currently in a state of chaos because we are in the middle of a major bathroom renovation. Right now we have do have a crib in the nursery... but we also have a toilet. Brian is on a baby-imposed deadline though and assures me that all the clutter will be gone and I can purge and organize and clean to my heart's content starting next weekend. 

One major thing that we were able to check off the 'before-baby-comes' list was moving Wesley out of his crib and into a "big boy bed". I had been dreading this for months because my son is a particularly active and inquisitive little guy and I figured the new-found freedom would be just too much for him. I had visions of weeks of bedtime battles... but thankfully he also loves to sleep and, so far, that seems to be winning out. We had one night where the door must have opened at least 10x and a little head would peek out, but overall, the transition has been fairly smooth. 

Last sleep in the crib...
... and first night in the new bed!

Even with all the nervous anticipation and anxieties that can come with baby's impending arrival (labour! pain! no sleep! life with two!)... I mostly can't wait to meet this little lady who has been performing aerobics in my belly non-stop. I can't wait for newborn cuddles and coos and to dress her all in pink and to introduce her to her big brother and to re-live all the 'firsts' and to watch her develop into a little person... it's all such a gift and I feel so blessed to be able to do it again!

Sunday 6 January 2013

Welcome to the Barnyard

My (not-so) little boy celebrated his second birthday yesterday and in honour of the occasion we threw him a barnyard bash with some close family and friends. Wesley is in love with all things 'farm' right now (I can't tell you how many times we are forced to sing "E-I-E-I-O" - more commonly known as "Old Macdonald" - each day!) so it seemed like a fitting theme. I'm a huge planner/list-maker/wannabe professional decorator and crafter so party planning is something I really enjoy. I get super into it, and can often go a little overboard - as my husband will attest to! Wesley had a blast and was so thrilled with all the barnyard touches (he appreciates a well-styled party even at 2 years old!) but my favourite part of the day was seeing just how well-loved my son is and how many wonderful, caring people he has in his life. It made me feel great as a mom to know that the positive influence in his life doesn't end with Brian and I. 

Here are some pictures of the day...


Brian thought the straw fell into the "overboard" category!
Thank you Pinterest for this beauty! There is a healthy carrot zucchini cake under all that icing!

My 2 year old! How did that happen??

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Gratitude (2012)

This past year I read the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp (a life-changer!) which is all about gratitude and recognizing the gifts in our lives - even the small, seemingly insignificant ones. Since reading the book I've been counting and recording my gifts and am somewhere up around 600 now. When I look back at 2012, here are just a few of the things/people/events I am grateful for... 

1. My little boy will turn 2 on Saturday, so almost exactly one year ago was his first birthday, and that's when this whole "motherhood" thing really seemed to fall into place for me. I had always, always wanted to be a mom and while many things seemed natural to me about it, it was also HARD - by far the toughest job I had ever had. I wasn't quite prepared for the all-consuming baby fog of the first few months, the sleepless nights and endless breastfeeding and diaper changes. I sort of lost myself it in all -  forgot about me, the person, the wife, the friend. I was so preoccupied with doing everything right - the schedule, sleep training, feeding him the right foods. And I relied on  myself to do it all. But somewhere around a year, I came to the end of what I could do alone and I realized I had to give that all up - not that those things weren't important anymore, but I had to give it all up to God's grace, which is more than enough to cover any 'mistakes' I make on the journey of motherhood. In Him I am enough. He created me for this job. There is such freedom in that... and I've been making a conscious effort each day to walk in that freedom. Since then, things have been just a whole lot easier. So I'm grateful for that. 

2. In June my husband and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and we went away for the weekend, just the two of us, to beautiful Niagara-on-the-Lake. It was out first real trip without Wesley and we sooo needed that time together to reconnect, relax, rejuvenate. It's a lovely memory that I cherish and that I still see fruit from in our relationship now. 

3. A very good friend of mine moved to Peterborough at the end of 2011, and I am so thankful for her friendship over this past year. She's a godly and wise woman who I can trust with anything, and who spurs me on and encourages me in the things of God. Plus, she's just really awesome and fun!

4. I've been grateful for early mornings this year - which is something I never thought I'd say! In March I made the switch to doing my 'devotional' time (reading the Word and other edifying books, journalling, prayer) in the morning instead of the evenings before bed. I always hated getting up before I had to, so I always just did the before-bed thing, but I came to find I just wasn't getting as much out of this time with the Lord as I wanted/needed to. So I started setting my alarm for about 45 min before I knew Wesley would be up, making a cup of tea and curling up on the couch with my Bible. My mind was sharper, my body and spirit well-rested, my heart softer. Since becoming pregnant, my morning routine has slipped at times in favour of much-needed rest, but I miss that time so much when I don't do it. I crave those moments of solitude with the Lord before the craziness of the day takes over. 

5. The past year with a toddler has been super fun... and exhausting... but mostly, fun! It's been so exciting to watch him grow into this miniature person with a mind of his own and to witness his curiosity and creativity in action. I've found his language development to be the most fascinating thing to witness. Maybe it's the teacher in me but I've loved seeing his vocabulary and understanding grow by the day.  

6. And probably most of all, I am abundantly grateful for the little lady who we will get to meet in about 3 months time. The blessing of being pregnant with a second, beautiful, healthy baby... a little girl who has been entrusted to us to love, and nurture, and shepherd. We can't wait to meet her!