Tuesday 27 March 2012

Marbelized Easter Eggs

This is a fun craft to do with kids. Put the eggs in a nice bowl or vase and you have a perfect centrepiece for Easter dinner!

Marbelized Easter Eggs
(adapted from Martha Stewart)

You need:
12 eggs, hardboiled
several mixing bowls
white vinegar
food colouring
olive oil
paper towels

Step 1
Hard boil your eggs and let them cool. Wash in warm, soapy water and let dry.

Step 2
In a small mixing bowl, combine 3 cups warm water, 2 tbsp vinegar and a few drops of food colouring. Place eggs in dye and leave submerged until they reach your desired shade.

Step 3
In a wide, shallow bowl prepare a second batch of dye in a darker shade or different colour (this will provide the swirls). Liquid should be about 1/2 inch deep. Add 1 tbsp olive oil. Run a fork through the mixture, creating curlicues of oil on the surface.

Step 4
As oil swirls, place dyed egg in mixture and roll once around the bowl to pick up streaks.

Step 5
Remove the egg and gently pat dry with paper towel. Let dry completely on paper towel.

Monday 26 March 2012

Count them one by one...

31. New sounds and syllables from a baby's virgin lips
32. The perfect photo
33. The satisfaction of a job well-done
34. Checking things off the 'to-do' list
35. Grass under bare feet
36. Licked-clean plates
37. Sun kissed skin after a long winter
38. Treating yourself to that cupcake
39. Lazy Saturday mornings
40. A home-cooked meal made by someone else!

Saturday 24 March 2012

Love Ever After

I discovered this photographic series of love letters by Lauren Fleishman via Tori Spelling's website (check it out - seriously!) which features New York City couples who have been together for more than 50 years. It's so beautiful to see the love and light in their eyes after so many years... and it inspires me to keep kindling that fire in my own marriage! Sometimes things get crazy and I get so caught up in the 'stuff' of life that when I stop for a moment I realize it's been a couple days since I really connected with my husband (those hurried kisses in the morning on the way out the door don't count!). It doesn't need to take a lot of time but those moments of togetherness - asking "how was your day?" and really listening, hushed conversations in the dark, shared laughs and inside jokes, time spent in prayer - those are the things that sustain and nurture a marriage.

Take a look if you're in need of some inspiration yourself, or just to bring a smile to your face!

Now I need to go watch When Harry Met Sally... you know those old couples who talk about when they first met?? LOVE that movie. Now to convice Brian to watch it with me...

You really don't think about getting older. First of all, you're aging together and when you see a person constantly you don't notice big changes. Like you don't notice, oh you're getting a little wrinkle here and tomorrow you say oh it's a little deeper. No those are things that just happen. You dont pay attention to those things. You dont realize it.. really . You dont realize that you're.. I mean I'm not thinking everyday, oh my husbands 83 years old he's gonna be 84. Oh my goodness, I'm married to an old man. And I hope he feels that way too.

—Angie Terranova, Staten Island, New York.
What is the secret to love? A secret is a secret and I don't reveal my secrets!

—Ykov Shapirshteyn, Brighton Beach, Brooklyn.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Beating the Breakfast 'Blahs'

I haven't been feeling much love for breakfast lately. We've been kind of stuck in an 'oatmeal or toast-toast or oatmeal' rut and breakfast has been a little on the boring side. I've been wanting to jazz things up a bit... but who: a) has time or b) feels like - slaving away over a hot breakfast every morning? I've been in search of some easy, make-ahead recipes and have tried out a few good ones over the last couple weeks that I thought I would share.

Granola and greek yogurt is a super quick and tasty breakfast and I've tried out two new granola recipes which both turned out delicious.

The first is an Olive Oil Granola and, as weird as that sounds, it's sooo yummy! You only get a hint of the olive oil which adds a nice rich flavour. You can find the recipe here. I used sucanat instead of brown sugar and also subbed dried cranberries for apricots. You could replace the fruit and nuts with whatever kind(s) you wanted actually! Oh, and I just used unsweetended shredded coconut instead of coconut chips.

I also made Quinoa-Rice Granola which I found in Vegetarian Times. We're not vegetarians (my father-in-law is a butcher so I think we'd be disowned!), but I have seriously found some of the best recipes in this magazine!

Quinoa-Rice Granola

5 unsalted brown rice cakes
1/2 cup quinoa flakes
1/2 slivered almonds
1/2 cup honey
4 tbsp butter
1 tbsp safflower oil
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup dried cranberries, cherries or other fruit

1. Preheat oven to 300
2. Crumble rice cakes in a bowl into 1/4 inch or smaller pieces. Stir in quinoa flakes and almonds.
3. Melt together honey, butter, and oil in a saucepan over low heat. Stir in cinnamon. Stir honey mixture into rice cake mixture until well coated. Spread on baking sheet and bake 10 min. Stir and bake 10 min more or until granola becomes golden-brown. Cool on baking sheet. Break granola into smaller pieces. Mix in dried fruit.

I made this Swiss Muesli recently which is a super hearty and satisfying breakfast and a nice change from plain ol' oatmeal. It makes a TON so I would probably half the recipe next time. We were eating it for a week!

I whipped up some Mini Crustless Broccoli Spinach Quiche last night and they were fantastic for breakfast this morning. Just pop them in the mircrowave for a minute and serve with some fruit. Soooo good!

Mini Crustless Broccoli Spinach Quiche

1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 small onion, chopped
6 cups spinach, chopped
1/2 head of broccoli, chopped (I used my food processor to chop the spinach and broccoli)
6 eggs whites
2 whole eggs (or you could skip the egg whites and do 5 whole eggs)
3 cups old cheddar cheese
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350. Coat muffin tin with cooking spray.
Heat oil in large pan and cook onions until soft. Add spinach and broccoli and cook for 3-4 min.
In a medium bowl, beat eggs well and then add cheese and salt and pepper. Add spinach mixture and stir.
Scoop into muffin cups and cook 30-35 min or until eggs are set.

Here's to far-from-boring breakfasts!

Monday 19 March 2012

Monday Thanks...

18. Bedtime stories and cuddles
19. Inside jokes
20. Discovering a delicious new recipe
21. Spring buds bursting through the earth
22. Streaks of sunshine on the hardwood floor
23. Joyous orange tulips on my kitchen table
24. The happy clamour of children on the playground
25. Time spent in companionable silence
26. The fresh tip of a newly sharpened pencil
27. Connecting with a new 'old' friend
28. Chubby babies in swimsuits
29. The anticpation of a new day
30. The smell of springtime

Friday 16 March 2012

Small Style Down on the Farm

This morning Wesley, Nana and I headed out to a a friend's goat farm to see a bunch of newborn kids
(I can't help but giggle everytime I say 'kids'!). We've been meaning to go for awhile and finally made it happen on this perfect, warm sunny day! Wesley was so wide-eyed in the barn, taking in all the new sights, sounds and smells! He loved having the kids lick his fingers and got quite a chuckle from seeing mom give a bottle to a baby goat!
Whaddya lookin' at?

Sweater: Carter's
Jeans: Old Navy
Hiking boots: Children's Place

Monday 12 March 2012

Life in the Little Things

I blogged last week about the fabulous book One Thousand Gifts and how, based on a challenge from author Ann Voskamp, I was going to start recording - and more importantly, being thankful for - all the beautiful blessings that make my life full. Some of these things seem so small, but I tell you - after a long day, that hot water bottle really is a blessing to my aching back! Here are some of my not-so-small gifts...

8. Hot water bottles
9. Date night
10. A book that hooks you from the first page
11. A hot cup of tea
12. Potluck dinners
13. Duvets
14. A bundled up baby
15.  Homemade granola
16. A good conversation with a good friend
17. Afternoon naps

The height of my joy is found in the depth of my thanks. - Ann Voskamp

Sunday 11 March 2012

1001 Fun Ways to Play

One of my favourite places in the world is Chapters. What's better than browsing books and looking at lovely things with a Chai Tea Latte in hand?? I often head there after Wesley is in bed for a little "me time". During a recent visit I came across a great find in the Bargain Books section. It's a little book called 1001 Fun Ways to Play and it's full of of quick, creative activities for babies, toddlers and young children. The best part is that most of the activities involve minimal prep and materials that you probably already have at home. It's a great resource for rainy days or quiet play after dinner or whenever you just need a little "help"!

I thought I'd share a few of my favourite ideas. The book is sorted by age-appropriateness which is really helpful!

0+ months:
1) Soothe with heartbeats
Studies show that newborns are soothed by the sound of a human heartbeat, which they grew accustomed to hearing in the womb. Let your baby experience this comforting sound often by lying with him on your chest, skin to skin. Or sit in a chair and let his head rest against the left side of your chest, which psychologist Lee Salk and others have noted is the side on which most mothers intuitively hold their babies anyway. Notice how the sound and feel of your beating heart can calm your newborn.

20) Dance to the beat
Dancing with babies is an age-old technique for helping them fall asleep or settle down. It provides them with the swaying motion and physcial contact that they crave. Some babies enjoy lullabies; others prefer rock’n’roll. Whatever yoru baby’s preference, swaying with him held in your arms is a great way to bond, and it does wonders to both calm a child and ease a stressed parent’s soul. IN years to come, hearing the music that you and your baby dances to will bring back tender memories.

40) Smell the roses
Your baby was born with an extremely refined sense of smell. Immediately after birth, babies can even recognize the smell of their mothers. Indeed, one way newborns find their mother’s nipple is through scent. Stimulate your infant’s sense of smell by passing pleasantly scented objects, such as flowers, oranges, or vanilla extract, beneath her nose. She can’t sniff voluntarily (that doesn’t happen until abut 18 months of age), but she’ll enjoy smelling sweet scents in the air.

3+ months:
116) Introduce a new language
A child is never too young to hear a new language. One great way to start is by greeting your baby in the morning in both French and English with the classic song, “Frere Jacques”

118) Sing to the tune of a classic
use your fingers to count stars in this song, to the tune of “Row, row, row your boat”.
One, two, three big stars
Count to three with your fingers on one hand
Blinking in the sky!
Open and close both of your hands three times to make them blink
Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle
Continue ‘blinking’ both hands while raising them over your head
how’d they get so high?
hold out your hands, palms up, as if you don’t know the answer

6+ months
184) Make a family photo album
Strengthen the bond your baby feels with the rest of her family by filling an album with photos of people she knows and loves. Add pictures of beloved pets and toys, too, and you’ll have a book that will engage and entertain her for years to come

185) Hide sounds
Hide an object that makes noise – a ticking clock, a music box, or a talking plush toy – where your adventurous crawler can find it. As he searches for the source of the sound, he’ll be testing his auditory tracking skills. He’ll also gain a sense of mastery when he discovers the little noisemaker.

198) Dine in the buff
Even the most adorable baby clothes lose their appeal when they’re covered in cereal or pureed peas. So let your little diner eat in the buff once in a while. Not only will it keep her clothes stain-free, but it’s also fun for her. And when she smears carrots across her chest, remember that she’s becoming more aware of her body.

9+ months:
251) Get out the muffin pan
Once baby has mastered the ability to pick up and release objects, he’ll enjoy plopping tennis balls, toys, and wads of crumpled-up paper into the cups of muffin tins – an action that hones fine motor skills.

258) Offer puppet kisses
Don a small hand puppet and use it to give ‘kisses’ to different parts of your baby’s body. She’ll love to hear you tell her where the puppet is going to kiss her next.

300) Give blanket rides
A blanket ride is much like a sled ride, except that you pull a blanket across a floor or grass instead of a sled across snow. Sit or lay your child on a blanket, then gently and slowly pull the blanket. Try different directions. If you add an older child to the mix, she can ensure that the baby doesn’t topple over, plus this doubles the fun!

310) Let ‘er rip!
Indoor sandbox! Much oatmeal was ingested.
Before your toss out your magazines, let your baby explore the thrill of tearing out the pages! The ripping action sounds great and helps him develop both gross and find motor skills. Make sure he doesn’t put any paper in his mouth.

12+ months:
411) Follow the string trail
Kids love to explore, especially when there’s treasure at the end of the journey. Using a brightly coloured ball of yarn, wind a trail through your house. Supervising carefully, help your child follow the trail as it runs from his bedroom door, down the hall, loops around the corner into the living room, then winds in and out among the dining room chairs until he comes to the yarn’s end, hidden in a box or bag containing a small treat. If he gathers up yarn as he goes, the path will be easier to follow.

414) Make an indoor sandbox
Set a plastic dishpan on a try and empty a large box of oatmeal into it. Give your toddler cups and spoons for pouring and digging, plastic horses for grazing, or toy cars and trucks for tunneling through the oats.

I'll post some activities for older toddlers at a later date. I'm getting a typing cramp!

Saturday 10 March 2012

Redefining Me

I think being a first-time mom can leave you with a bit of an identity crisis. I know it's been a challenge for me anyway. In large part that's because I really identified who I was with what I did - my job - before having a baby. I was (am) a teacher. So much of myself was linked to teaching. It's hard for that not to happen when you spend the majority of your time doing something. And as any teacher will tell you - the job involves much more than just the hours in the classroom! I got a great deal of fulfillment from teaching as well and really enjoyed doing it. So to go from working fulltime to being a fulltime stay-at-home mom was a BIG adjustment. I was still busy, but it's definitely a different kind of busyness. In those early days I really struggled with going stir-crazy; the tedium of being home all day. I've always lived a very active, on-the-go lifestyle, so it was difficult in the beginning - especially having a baby in the middle of a very cold winter. Plus there was that lose of my teaching identity. I missed my school and my students and the people I worked with. I missed that sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when I planned a really great, engaging lesson.

But here's the thing. I was really determined to be a SAHM. And not just a mediocore, grin-and-bear-it one, but a GREAT one. This had been my desire since I was young. My husband and I had talked about why this was important to us and our family and we had planned to make it happen financially.  And I felt it was the Lord's intention for me at this stage in my life. But yep, I missed my job, and some days were boring, and I often found myself jealous of my husband who got to go interact with adults for 8 hours a day. So how was I going to fix that?? I certainly didn't want to spend my days wishing I was somewhere else.

I found I really had to make a CHOICE each day when I woke up. A choice to embrace the day with a positive attitude. To be really present and intentional in my time with my son and my husband. To look for opportunities to connect with other moms. To make my home a warm and welcoming place. To nourish my family with healthy food. To lavish them to with love. To give thanks in all circumstances. To embrace the joy of silly songs and faces. To challenge and stretch my mind with great books or new projects. To remind myself of how blessed I am to have this precious time with my baby. And most of all, to choose to find my identity in Christ. When everything else is stripped away, who I am is founded and fixed in Him.

... and it got easier each day. I'm sure part of that was just adjusting over time, but I know I also had to learn to define myself differently. My sense of fulfillment is no longer found in my job, but in the choices I make to live my life fully each day. Ann Voskamp's subtitle for her wonderful book One Thousand Gifts is, "A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are" (emphasis mine). In the middle of oatmeal flinging at breakfast... of endless renditions of B-I-N-G-O... of poop explosions... of castle-building... of tear-wiping... of horsey rides... of baby kisses and bedtime cuddles. All those everyday, wonderful (and sometimes smelly!) moments that make up a life.

I'm still working at defining myself as an almost fulltime stay-at-home mom (I'm supply teaching one day a week so I don't lose my spot!)... but it's a wonderful journey to be on... and every day is different than the one before and I'm determined to live them out to their fullest!

Thursday 8 March 2012

Small Style Out of Doors

It's a drizzly, dreary day today but still very mild - so Wesley and I headed outside after lunch for a little fresh air. For MONTHS, Wesley's only word besides mama and dada was "hot" (although there were countless variations on this... excited hot, mad hot, sad hot, silly hot...) and now suddenly he is adding all these new words to his vocabulary - basically overnight! He now says "anana" (banana), "up", "socks" and his new favoruite - "waaasat" (what's that). While we were outside he was constantly pointing to everything and asking "waaasat??!".

Parenting really is the ultimate exercise in patience-stretching! After about the twentith time of responding, "that's a tree", "that's a rock",  I was ready to call it a day!... But he certainly looked cute! 

Shirt: Gaguo Tagou
Onesie: Carter's
Jeans: Old Navy
Shoes: Livie & Luca... these shoes are far too nice for puddles, but I love them and we were doing a photoshoot after all :)

Wednesday 7 March 2012

One Thousand Gifts

Recently, I had a Skype date with a dear friend in a faraway land. She is a new mommy and we were talking about gratitude and how very, very thankful we are for our perfect, healthy babies. She said, "Hey, have you heard of One Thousand Gifts?"... I hadn't, so she told me about this beautiful book which I immediately went out and bought - and devoured - and now am in the process of re-reading to really soak up all its wealth. It's all about becoming atuned to the simple, yet profound moments that give meaning to our lives. Ann Voskamp issues a challenge to her readers to record 1000 gifts... and when you do, you can't help but be overcome with gratitude for the blessings in your life, even in the midst of trial. It's such a refreshing perspective to look for the beauty in everyday and to record it as a lasting testament to God's goodness. And in those not-so-good-moments, you can be reminded of the Lord's faithfulness by looking back at the gifts you have received.

I didn't clue in until now, but it looks like my friend Sarah over at The Inner Workings of a Shellfish has already been sharing her gifts for awhile. Lovely! I've decided to link up with Multitudes on Mondays to share some of my gifts each week.

And even though it's actually Wednesday, here are a few to get us started...

1. Opening all the windows
2. Aunt Bernice's oatmeal cookies
3. Doting grandparents, allowing me to rest easy while at work
4. Waking up to happy baby babbling
5. Baking with sucanat instead of sugar... and no one knowing the difference!
6. Standing in front of a classroom again
7. 14 degrees on March 7

Sunday 4 March 2012

That's My King

Getting Crafty (Book Sling)

I thought I'd share a fun, crafty project that I did this week for Wesley's play area. It's a book sling which was super easy and inexpensive to make and looks really cute (I think!). I had seen the idea in a  bunch of places online and then tracked down this simple tutorial to make it.

All you need is about 1.5 yards of fabric, two 4 foot long wooden dowels, double curtain brackets and a sewing machine. Believe me, my sewing machine skills are very limited, but all this required was a straight line, so I was able to handle that at least.... although don't look too closesly at the stitches!

Wesley looooves books and is constantly yanking them off the shelves and leaving them all over the house. This is a nice alternative to a book shelf because you can just throw them back in the sling - and it's much easier for him to put them back too! Still working on that part...

Aren't those little owls adorable?? I got the fabric from this little gem of a shop in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Brian was there for a conference this past week and so Wesley and I went up to stay with him for a couple days. Such a lovely, picturesque area - even in the winter! Definitely want to go back in the summer!

I'm thinking about making a second sling to hang over this one for more book storage, and also would like to cover some coordinating pillows for a cozy little reading nook.

Happy crafting!