Wednesday 7 March 2012

One Thousand Gifts

Recently, I had a Skype date with a dear friend in a faraway land. She is a new mommy and we were talking about gratitude and how very, very thankful we are for our perfect, healthy babies. She said, "Hey, have you heard of One Thousand Gifts?"... I hadn't, so she told me about this beautiful book which I immediately went out and bought - and devoured - and now am in the process of re-reading to really soak up all its wealth. It's all about becoming atuned to the simple, yet profound moments that give meaning to our lives. Ann Voskamp issues a challenge to her readers to record 1000 gifts... and when you do, you can't help but be overcome with gratitude for the blessings in your life, even in the midst of trial. It's such a refreshing perspective to look for the beauty in everyday and to record it as a lasting testament to God's goodness. And in those not-so-good-moments, you can be reminded of the Lord's faithfulness by looking back at the gifts you have received.

I didn't clue in until now, but it looks like my friend Sarah over at The Inner Workings of a Shellfish has already been sharing her gifts for awhile. Lovely! I've decided to link up with Multitudes on Mondays to share some of my gifts each week.

And even though it's actually Wednesday, here are a few to get us started...

1. Opening all the windows
2. Aunt Bernice's oatmeal cookies
3. Doting grandparents, allowing me to rest easy while at work
4. Waking up to happy baby babbling
5. Baking with sucanat instead of sugar... and no one knowing the difference!
6. Standing in front of a classroom again
7. 14 degrees on March 7


  1. Isn't Ann's book such a shot in the heart? I, too, am devouring it...and seeing with new eyes! I enjoyed your list...this is my second time around. The first time, I didn't take it very seriously so I started all over again.
    Hope you get a chance to read my post...did you open your windows with it only being 14 degrees outside???

  2. Thanks for your comment Duane! Agreed - the book is life changing!

    It was 14 degrees celsius today, which is pretty warm for us in Canada... so yes, the windows were open!

  3. LOVE this book! Absolutely life changing! Still counting... almost in the 800s! And God is still so, so good!
    Hope you enjoy it as much as I have :)
