Saturday 28 July 2012


I've been a bad blogger lately, but we've been on vacation around here... and all this rest and relaxation hasn't left me much time for blogging!

The last couple weeks have been full of family and friends... mornings building sand castles and splashing in the waves... afternoon naps in the sunshine... picnic dinners by the river... bonfires under the stars. It some ways it has felt like taking one big, deep, delicious breath.

The Lord has a very high opinion of rest. It's a hugely important Biblical principle. For me personally, rest isn't something that always comes naturally or easy. It's hard not to think about all the things I could be/should be doing. I used to spend Wesley's entire nap time running around trying to get things done. I've really had to work at forcing myself to sit down for half an hour and take a breather. But it's made an amazing difference in how I feel for the remainder of the day. I'm so much happier to see him when he wakes up, and am a much more patient and rested mommy for it. 

So after a nice long vacation and rest, I'm ready to get back into the swing of things... but with a growing appreciation for the wonders of God-created rest... and it's ability to restore mind, body and soul. 

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Monday 16 July 2012

Cottage Life

We just got back from a beautiful week at the cottage with my family. My brother and sister-in-law are here from the UK for a month and it was sooo wonderful to have all of us together. It was close quarters in our little home-away-from-home, but I wouldn't have had it any other way!

I'm constantly mindful of how blessed I am to have this family that I do. We genuinely love spending time together and are the closest of friends.

Here are a few of the gifts I enjoyed this past week...

183. Canoeing with my dad
184. Napping in the hammock
185. Games' night and the Clark competitive streak
186. Heart's desires fulfilled
187. Reeling in a big catch
188. Chatting with my sister-in-law over tea
189. Kissing owies all better
190. Warm pita chips
191. Diving into a crystal clear lake
192. Sunscreen
193. Keeping a beautiful secret
194. Wesley and 'tickle bear'
195. A foot soak
196. Wesley and Nana snuggling in the hammock

Tuesday 3 July 2012

"I Can't Believe It's Not Ice Cream!"

You know how convicts on Death Row get to choose their last meal?... Mine would be ice cream. Yep, just ice cream. Bring me a bunch of flavours and a spoon and I'm good.

That slightly morbid and twisted example is just to illustrate the point that I LOVE ice cream! Too bad for me that it falls under the "very fattening" category of foods. I try to save my ice cream indulgences for special occasions, but that becomes tougher in the summer months with family gatherings and parties and picnics and when it's just so hot that you NEED some ice cream!

I've been seeing lots of recipes lately for 'ice cream' made from bananas. I was pretty sceptical. Can a healthy ice cream really exist?? But I figured I'd give it a try since, well... I love ice cream, and also because I don't want Wesley to be deprived of the joy of eating this cool, delicious treat on a hot day - and I'm not about to feed him the sugar-laden stuff that I enjoy so much.

So far I've tried two recipes and, I gotta say, I was pleasantly surprised! This banana-masquerading-as-ice cream-stuff is pretty tasty and it really does have that creamy, ice cream consistency. Not to mention it's sooo easy to make!

Here are the recipes I've tried so far:

3 Ingredient 'Ice Cream'
from The Kitchn

4 frozen bananas, just slightly overripe (it works best if you slice the banana and then freeze, or else you'll have a super hard time trying to blend it!)
2 tbsp creamy natural peanut butter
2 tbsp cocoa powder

Put frozen banana slices in food processor and pulse. First they will start to resemble gravel but keep blending and they will soon turn into a frozen mush. You can add a dash of milk if you like. Start scrapping down the sides of the processor and keep going until the bananas take on a creamy texture. Then add in your peanut butter and cocoa powder (or any other ingredients you desire) and blend until smooth. The ice cream is like soft serve straight out of the food processor, but you can freeze it for a firmer texture. When you take it out of the freezer, give it a minute or two to soften up before scooping.

Blueberry Ginger Ice Cream 
from Choosing Raw
(Serves 2)

2 frozen bananas 
1 heaping cup frozen blueberries 
1/2 inch piece fresh ginger (or 1/2 tsp ginger powder if you’re using a food processor) 
1/4 cup cashews 
2 tsp lemon juice 
2-4 tbsp almond milk 

If you’re using a blender: Blend all ingredients together in a high speed blender. Start with 2 tbsp of almond milk and blend to try to get the mixture going without adding too much liquid: you want an ice cream, not a smoothie! If you need the extra two tablespoons, use them, but be patient and keep blending till a thick consistency is achieved. 

If you’re using a food processor: Soak cashews for at least 4 hours before prep. Place bananas in a food processor and let the motor run till they’ve turned into soft serve. Be patient. It takes a minute or two, and the processor sounds like it’s going to break. It won’t. Keep going. When you have soft serve, add the blueberries, powdered ginger, cashes, and lemon, and blend till totally smooth. Add the almond milk only if you need a thinner consistency; you may not. You can store the mixture in your freezer and give it a whirl in the processor or the blender before serving; if you don’t, it’ll be a little "frosty". 

Monday 2 July 2012

Gifts Galore!

163. 'The true north strong and free'
164. Long weekends
165. Ice cream
166. Homemade iced tea
167. Backyard BBQs
168. Puppies and toddlers
169. Wild raspberries
170. Foot rubs
171. A hug for a sleep-deprived new mom
172. An encouraging word right when you need it most
173. A sudden sun shower
174. Impromptu date nights
175. Amazing babysitters
176. Fireworks (literal and figurative) with my sweetheart
177. Flowers for no reason
178. Little green tomato buds in the garden
179. Chatting over the fench with neighbours
180. Staying up way too late
181. Post-naptime cuddles
182. Bags bursting with fresh produce from the Farmer's Market